Our Specializations
Ms. Felix Taught Me is a tutoring company that provides in-person and online tutoring. With 8 years of teaching experience and over 10 years in tutoring, we specialize in English Language Arts, Math, Standardized Test Prep, and Spanish for students in grades K to 5th grade. (Grades 6-8 coming soon!)
English Language Arts
Our English Language Arts tutoring program focuses on enhancing reading, writing, and language skills, fostering a love for literature and effective communication.
Standardized Test Prep
Preparing students for standardized tests is a crucial part of our service. We equip students with the strategies and knowledge required to excel in various standardized assessments.
In our math tutoring sessions, we aim to build a strong foundation in mathematical concepts, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities.
Our Spanish program focuses on foundational skills to help build a strong language base. Our experienced tutors provide personalized lessons to help students master the basics of Spanish grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
Student & Parent Reviews
Check out what our students and parents have to say about their experience with Ms. Felix.